Jun 22, 2006

And another one...

It seems to me that my blogging routine is one once a month. Sad but true. Try as I might to get one in earlier - it just never works out. This will be a blog of photos so if you have dial up - get up from the computer, go fix a cup of tea and knit a few rows.

First on the agenda; I finally got some time to spend with my baba, Eric! Last night we went to watch a flick at the Quad and then off to Cosi for coffee and smores!! Nothing like toasting marshmellows with your best friend to really brighten up your mid week blues. I miss him tons

I didn't get any bike riding in this weekend because of this:

Renegade Craft Fair! I dragged Allen along. He hid in the shade, I browsed. I was good. I didnt buy much but I did make it out with this:

I also happened to buy some really cute pin up girl buttons but then got lost. I don't want to talk about it - I'm still very upset. On to brighter things; I took Allen to eat at Sea. Very good food in a very classly joint for next to nothing.

Is that Siddhartha?....Oppps...silly me, it's Allen. =P

See that pink goodness I'm donning? It started out as this shirt and got transformed by this book to create this:

Isn't it adorable?

Here are some other random pictures:

Remember when I went to the containter store to buy boxes to hold all my yarn? Well
let's just say another trip is in order.

Here is the view out of Allen's window. Purdy right?

And I've saved the best for last - Allen and I are going on a cruise to the Carribean!!! Of course its months away but I'm excited and planning anyways!